04/20/2024 - C. Boot Camp

Workout :30 sec each, 2 rounds

Jumping jacks




plank shoulder taps





:20, :10 each exercise, :40, :10, each exercise, :60, :10 each.

5 min build between each round


  1. Hanging knee raises (suitcases), burpee plank jack
  2. Thrusters, soccer toe touches
  3. KB swings , KB squat pulls
  4. Plank up downs, squat kicks


5 min builds, (add +1 rep to strength exercise after cardio move)

  1. 100 jumprope, 1 inchworm push ups
  2. 50 mtn climbers, weighted step up or box jump
  3. 50 JJ (25 star jumps), medball clean and press